Rail Support, s.r.o.
- Express Group, a. s.
- Retrack Slovakia s.r.o.
- Rail Services Slovakia, s.r.o.
- Swietelsky-Slovakia spol. s r.o.
- ČMŽO - Slovakia s.r.o.
- LOKO TRANS s.r.o.
- METRANS, a.s.
- METRANS Rail s.r.o.
- METRANS /Danubia/, a.s.
- METRANS DYKO Rail Repair Shop s.r.o.
- SMZ, a.s. Jelšava
- OFZ, a.s.
- Krnovské opravovny a strojírny s.r.o.
- NM LOKO Services s.r.o.
- Mitsui Rail Capital Europe GmbH
- Skinest Rail AS
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